Monday, January 1, 2018

{A New Year, A New You}

Happy New Year! It's exciting to know there are 365 fresh new days awaiting us this year. So many of us make resolutions and set goals that we enthusiastically embrace the first week or so of the year. Then we slack off, eventually giving up and calling ourselves failures. One of the problems is that we dream too big and take on more than we can realistically do without burning out. What we need is to have a slow start and then build from there.

One habit I've let die over the last couple of years is my yoga practice. Oh every now and then I'll roll out my mat and pop in one of my DVDs but it only lasts a couple of days. Then I miss a day and later find excuses for why I don't have time to do it. This year I'm determined to return to my practice. The thing is, when I think of even a 30 minute session, it just seems like I can't (or won't?) find the time in my day. But I found something that will help ease me back into this healthy habit.

Last month I discovered a 30 day yoga challenge that only takes about 10 minutes a day - a great way to jump start my practice. The series can be found on YouTube ( and you can sign up on the website (

I started today and am excited to work through the 30 day program. Seriously, it's only 10 minutes a day - how could I not do it? I invite you to join me on this journey. Watch the trailer to see if this is for you:

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